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Valir Tutorial, Build, Tips And Trick Mobile Legends (Guide)


In this pendekar tutorial we will learn how to use the mage fire hero, Son of Flames - Valir (Phyrus). The first impression that appears when I play this pendekar is same as Gord's gameplay, even though Valir / Phyrus is indeed a student of Gord. He uses magic power and magic damage area just like Gord. The way to play Valir is also not to much different from Gord, both of them do not have the skill/mechanism of good movement, all the damage from the skillis in the form of AOE / area, and how to use it is also very simple.
According to me, this pendekar is one of the easy to play. Even in advance server, Valid is very often banned on the draft pick, most likely later when released on the original server this pendekar will become first ban pendekar in ranked mode.

Valir advantages:
  • Burst damage is a massive area. all three Valir skills have a very high damage area, it is perfect for cleaning wave minions quickly and also during a team fight. Unfortunately, these skills cannot be used to quickly kill jungle monsters so he cannot grow quickly like Harley and Gord.
  • Push and tower defense. Valir skill 3 has a wide and continuous damage area, so that it will be very annoying to the enemy both when attacking and maintaining the turret, especially this skill also has crowd control effects in addition to giving a huge damage.
  • Easy to use. The gameplay of this pendekar is very simple and includes easy to mastered, Even though it's easy but this pendekar is included in overpower, so it is very suitable to be used by players who are laymen and those who are already pro. It can be said that Valir is one of the heroes that is easy to play and very strong.
  • Very good anti-chase skill and counter. skill 2 can push enemies to even stop enemies even using skill charge. Skill 2 can also count a number of skills such as the ultimate skills of Lolita and Odette, ultimate skill can also stop enemy skills  to knock-up effects such as stopping, like Akai and Gord's ultimate skills.

Valir shortages:
  • It does not have a single sasaran damage burst. Cause of all the area attacks it cannot kill 1 particular sasaran quickly. For example, when it crunches it will takes long time, besides that the ultimate skill also has a random damage area so it will not always be 100% about sasaran heroes.
  • The movement is slow. Just like the teacher (Gord), Valir has a slow movement and does not have any movement mechanism on all three skills, so this pendekar will be very easily snatched and hit by a gank especially if no one is backing up.
  • It is very easy to avoid, although the damaged area is quite sick. Unfortunately, skill 2 is easily avoided by the opponent, skill 1 is very fast and difficult to avoid, and Ultimate Skill is also very easy to avoid. Sso use these skills at the right moments and timing, especially when attacking towers and war teams.
  • Dependent on the team. the biggest weakness of this pendekar is that he needs backups from friends, because if he is alone he will be very easily taken away, so don't push lane alone when using this hero, keep hiding behind the team and support them from behind throughout the game.

Valid tips for build items 
  • Prioritize to build item damage magic so that the skill area gets high damage.
  • The first line build is full burst magic damage, this build is suitable for various situations.
  • The second line build item is more focused on playing safely, we need a cooldown to be able to spam skills more often both for attacking and defending and a little extra lifesteal (spell vamp) just in case you don't die easily.
  • Valir build is flexible, the most important thing is to stay focused on magical damage as high as possible and try experimenting with various item combinations that match your style of play.

The most suitable battle spell for Valir is Flicker.

Use Flicker to play it safe because it doesn't have a good movement speed, so this spell is mandatory to use to anticipate the deficiencies, it is very useful to protect yourself from enemy gingers and run away in certain circumstances.

For emblems, we can use Magic emblems.

Valir is great for fighting the following heroes:
  • All pendekar tanks
  • All fighter heroes
Valir is very weak against the following heroes:
  • All assassin heroes
  • Harley
  • Lesley
You could say Valir is a pendekar who is quite neutral, the strength of this pendekar depends on the composition of our team and the opposing team, whether the team can protect us well and how we position ourselves is the key to victory in playing this hero.

When is the right time to use the ultimate skill?

The best time to use skill 3 is when you are attacking, defending and team fight. You should use this skill when the area is a crowded pendekar (many enemies) and a clash it, so the battle can not be avoided.
Tips & tricks for Valir pendekar guide:
  • Focus on collecting exp and gold from wave minions, because he is long enough to farm in the jungle, then the fastest way to make him level up is to use damage to his area to finish off Minion, and the rest just to farm jungle monsters with the team.
  • Remember skill 2 can counter, starting from enemy charge skills, and tackling some CC-susceptible skills. For example, we can stop Tigreal ultimate using skill 2, so try using this skill not just as a damager but also as crowd control and anti-skills of enemy heroes.
  • Always support the team from behind, imagine like we are playing Gord, don't ever walk alone in the enemy lane, always make sure there are friends who are backing up and never push forward without the help of the team especially if we don't know where the enemy is.
  • Use skill 3 at times that are inevitable, such as when you are push and def tower, then use it when teamfight is in a position that can deal with as many opponents as possible.
  • Remember skill 3 also has crowd control effects and can control other pendekar skills such as ultimate Akai, Odette, and Gord, so if skill 2 is cooldown and our team is having difficulties due to enemy skills, we can use ultimate skills to help the team escape from the situation.

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