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Fanny Tutorial, Build, Tips And Trick Mobile Legends (Guide)


In this jagoan tutorial, we will learn how to use the jagoan with the highest difficulty level, Fanny. Many players want to learn how to play Fanny but instead often become feeders because they do not know how to master this one hero, I don't immediately use this jagoan in classic fashion let alone ranked, start from custom mode or at least versus AI. Ane himself was sorry that he immediately played Fanny on matchup (classic) until he finally became a feeder many times until insulted throughout the game. Especially if one throws a rope into the turret it is very often dead rich in fools and makes a cap on this make jagoan again.

In the MSC Fanny tournament, the most frequently held jagoan (the highest ban rate is 63%), because Fanny is the most powerful jagoan (OP) if used by a pro player. From MSC Fanny's data is also the fastest farming jagoan obviously because it can move lane in a matter of seconds, this jagoan is indeed the fastest jagoan in matters of pushing lane and mapping. Unfortunately, this jagoan is often in nerf, even though it's hard to master, even ML developers are getting weaker, but still this jagoan is still very strong in the hands of a reliable user. The point is to keep turning back to who is using it and how they use the hero.

Fanny's advantages:
  • Quickly farming, Fanny can move lane in an instant, making it the fastest jagoan to be able to so that it can quickly collect gold and exp (quickly level up), you could say this jagoan is very, very strong in the phase early-mid game.
  • Highest mobility, skill 2 Fanny (Steel Cable) makes it the jagoan with the best mobility level in this game, he can attack and run away whenever he likes, a jagoan that is ideal for turret dives and attacks marksman/mage behind tankers when war.
  • It's hard to kill, obviously because Fanny can escape in an instant and none of the heroes can defeat her in running away, Fanny is also one of the best heroes to fight Argus because she just ran away when Argus Ulti and again attacked when the birthday was over.
  • Burst one-shot damage, in the phase mid game, Fanny is usually 2-3 levels higher than his opponents, so it's not surprising that Fanny skill combos can instantly kill an opponent jagoan with one attack (a combination of Tornado Strike + Ulti), don't believe it? Just look at the snippet below.
  • Fun to play, I myself like to play Fanny's jagoan because the gameplay is really fun especially when I get savage with this hero.

Fanny's Lack:
  • It is very difficult to play, for newbie jagoan players, it is quite difficult to master because it is not easy to use the cable skill, plus every time the folder is updated, Fanny users must re-familiarize themselves to use the new folder (learn again).
  • Dependent on buffs, Fanny's biggest weakness is that its energy is very limited, the energy regeneration system is faster than where it is, but energy consumption also runs out faster than where, which is worse there is no item that can help regenerate/consume Fanny energy, so This jagoan must always be prioritized to take a buff.
  • Very soft, basically all assassin heroes are mushy especially Fanny. If this jagoan gets CC stun when the war team is confirmed he will die instantly, essentially Fanny must keep moving/flying to escape to avoid enemy attacks, including when attacking.
  • Weak in late game, my advice is to finish the game as soon as possible under 15 minutes if using Fanny, because in the phase late game (> 15 minutes) the opponent's jagoan has reached full item build and level 15, making it harder for Fanny to kill, while Fanny energy remains that's all.

Fanny tips on build items:
  • Fanny doesn't need to buy shoes because just use skill 2 to go anywhere quickly. Fanny also doesn't need to buy attack speed items because it depends on skills, especially Tornado Strike to kill opponents (not Karina and Natalia's rich assassin type).
  • Build Bloodlust Ax items so that our blood increases every time the skill generates damage. Magic Blade is useful to survive (survive) when critical, this item provides blood reserves for a moment when the HP drops below 30%, as well as items Immortality.
  • Sometimes there are also players who build with Blade Armors for a higher physical defense (semi tanks) and can deal less damage when attacked by basic attacks (so that it doesn't just become a boxing attack if it gets stunned).
  • The most suitable battle spell for Fanny is Retribution.
  • fanny battle spell retribution The goal is to speed up faster and most importantly make sure we always get a boost if playing with strangers (use retribution for last hit monster buff).
For emblems, we can use Physical or Physical Assassins.
  • All marksman heroes.
  • Rafaela, Estes, Gord, Vexana.
  • Natalia, Bane, Argus, sun (one of the best counter for Argus).

Fanny is pretty weak against some of the following heroes:
  • Nana: skill 2 Nana can make Fanny helpless for 3 seconds and it will definitely die if you get this curse while flying in the middle of the fight team/war.
  • Aurora: freeze Aurora effect with skill 2 makes Fanny sure to get frozen even though flying at high speed (while in range aurora).
  • Eudora: Eudora's 2 stun skill effects often make Fanny die helplessly during war/dive turrets.
  • Saber: Ulti Saber will chase wherever Fanny flies.
  • Franco: Ulti Franco can also be used when Fanny attacks (as soon as he flies past Franco immediately press Ulti).
  • Chou: ultimate Chou can also be used just like Franco.
  • Ruby: skill 2 and ultimate Ruby can control Fanny's movements at the right team

Combination of one-shot skill:
  • First use skill 2 to attack, then use ultimate, then skill 1, and use skill 2 again to escape.
  • Skill 2 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2 (escape)

Multiple cable tricks:
This technique is usually used by pro user Fannies who are already familiar with cable skills and experts master maps, Fanny can pull out the cable many times with the skill 2 (until the energy runs out), usually the pro player uses only 2 cables to fly/attack, but Fanny's top player can use up to 3-4 cables for pushing lane including attacking opponents.

There are also those that use up to 6-8 cables but more than 4 cables are usually ineffective (just to move quickly). This trick has a high level of difficulty, so it's best to master the existing map and hone your accuracy in throwing the cable.

Tips & tricks for jagoan guide Fanny:
  • Use the help of minimap on the top to throw the cable towards the wall at a distance (if we can't see the wall).
  • When open war, wait for the enemy jagoan to leave the existing stun. When dive turret/war always pay attention to the energy kafe that we have, will it be enough to attack and escape, if not enough, then wait a few moments (Fanny regen energy is approximately 10-15 seconds).
  • Before eliminating the ultimate, try to get the enemy 2x skill 2 (remember passive skill Fanny gives the marker/prey mark on the enemy while flying, and can be stacked 2x), the ultimate damage will increase by 20% if the enemy has a grey marker.
  • When the enemy is near the wall (sticking the wall), we can attack quickly with spam skill 2 continuously the wall until the enemy is killed or energy runs out.
  • The best way to master Fanny is to continue to practice diligently because it takes a lot of trials to master cable timings, especially when attacking enemies, team war, and dive turrets.
  • Be diligent, watch Fanny user pro videos on YouTube or live streaming top Fanny player.

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